Hey friends, It's been a while! I'd like to say this past month has been really busy because it feels like it has been but if anything it's just been extremely exhausting. From feeling sick to school and finals to working to two jobs to just trying to figure out what my major will be, it's been emotionally draining more than it's been physically exhausting.
Finishing finals was such a relief since they took so much out of me that I just wanted to relax but I had signed up to attend a political activism conference in West Palm Beach which meant that I needed to make sure I had everything for that trip. I honestly wasn't even sure I wanted to attend because I was pretty sure that politics was no longer my passion and what I wanted to do in my life and career. I grew up with a passion for politics so you can imagine the struggle its been to realize you might not love something anymore that you've had a passion for your whole life. I wasn't sure I wanted to attend the conference and see people with that same joy and passion on their faces that I had just 6 months ago but obviously the plane ticket had been purchased and the commitment had been made so I made the trip to the conference with my best friend. While the conference had some great speakers, I didn't feel as if I had learned a whole lot and that could be more so because I had attended other conferences by the same organization who typically had the same speakers at their conferences. I had a really good time and got to see so many great friends but when it comes down to it, I'm really glad I went for one main reason; I realized I don't have a passion for politics anymore. Normally, I would have been devastated but since this is something thats been on my heart for a while, I think that it's the best thing for me. I've always tried to make the best decisions even when they're ones I definitely don't want to make, this was one of them. I've decided to major in communications so that I have a more general degree and more career options.
While the conference was a huge eye opener, I was ready to get home and celebrate Christmas! We got home from the conference late Friday night on the 22nd. I had to work all day on the 23rd and then after work, one of my best friends had a little Christmas get together which was a super fun time! On Christmas Eve, I woke up awfully sick. I took a shower hoping that would make me feel better but I still felt terrible. I figured out I had the flu and I really felt like I missed out on all the Christmas festivities because I was sick. I'm finally getting over it (thank goodness!), my only issue now is the horrible aching in all of my joints and back, especially my hips. I want to do nothing more than exercise since I haven't really been active this month since I've been so busy but I think it will be a while before I can do that. I didn't expect the flu to be such a drain on me but I ended up losing a lot of weight from it, having horrible joint pain and the worst aches from head to toe.
That being said, since I'm stuck sitting on pain killers for my aches and pains, I'm really glad to be able to sit down and write a blog post. With the craziness that my life has been lately, blogging was something that really gave me joy and I think stress took away all my joy. I'm excited for this new year because I'm starting it with a new passion and putting the past where it belongs, behind me. While politics will always be a small part of my life, it doesn't have to be front and center anymore and I'm glad to put it behind me. I'm thankful to have a creative outlet like my blog and I'm glad to have readers like all of you. Thanks for being a part of my small little corner of the internet. Heres to many more blog posts in the new year (and some in the next few days)!