It's crazy to think that just a week ago I turned 19. They're right when they say life is too short, it comes by so quickly, you never have the chance to enjoy whats right in front of you. The past year has been a whirlwind for me but nevertheless, it's also been incredible. From losing my passion for politics to gaining a new one, to starting my first year of college (even if it was more than slightly unconventional), to the amazing internships and jobs, to the amazing friendships I've made along the way, I am truly blessed. That being said, this past year has flown by so quickly, I never felt like I had the chance to see myself grow or to really enjoy being eighteen. I don't want that to happen this year, after all next year I'll be turning 20 and I'll technically no longer be a 'teen'. Determined to not let this next year pass in the blink of an eye, I've put together a list of 20 things I want to do before I turn 20.
2. Completely unplug for 24 hours
3. Become financially stable
4. Build my resume
5. Do some volunteering
6. Photograph the memories
7. Pull a (fun) all nighter with friends
8. Watch the sunrise, coffee in hand
9. Step outside my comfort zone [a lot]
10. Start a diary
11. Have a treat yourself kind of day
12. Fall in love (or at least have a first kiss)
13. Finally go to College out of state
14. Grow my hair out (or just don't cut it)
15. Read the entire bible front to back
16. Try to repair any toxic friendships
instead of cutting them out
17. Break a bad habit, start a good one
18. Face a fear head on
19. Apply for my current dream job/internship
20. Realize that I may have my whole life ahead of me
but to stop focusing on the future and live in the now