Life hit my heard lately and I realize I haven't done these posts in a couple weeks, let alone many blog posts and I'm working on that. I am currently going through a season of life lately full of many changes but also lots of ups and downs so prayers are much appreciated! That beings said, this Sunday Praise is about those seasons of life where we feel like every day can be a constant struggle, know that God is with you and I hope this post helps with that struggle. Enjoy!

I never want to act like somebody I'm not and when it comes to blogging, I'll always be open about who I am in my faith, fashion and lifestyle, completely raw & authentic. That being said, lately staying strong in my faith and trusting in God has been a constant struggle. Recently, there has been a lot more downs than ups in my life and it's hard to stay positive. For a while, I really struggled in keeping the faith because there was so much doubt and desolation that clouded my faith in God that everything would go according to his plan. I know deep down in my heart that God has every second, minute, year of my life planned out but sometimes it's just hard to remember that. In these times, as I know we all have them, I've learned to remember the good days when I was praising and thanking God for everything he was doing in my life and know that as much as he was there in those great moments of my life, he is there just as much in the bad moments.
Life isn't perfect. There's good days and bad days, we have days where we thank god and days where we really seek him. It's easy to thank him on the good days but the bad days, those are hard. I find myself struggling to go and seek God, to pray to him and to read his word, but when I seek him, everything changes. When I open up his word, speak to him and praise him, I am confident everything will be okay. He gives me contentment, strength, and most of all faith. Faith that it will all be okay and that everything is working in accordance to his plan. That every high and low is for a reason and despite any struggles I have along the way, it will all be okay.
So in your tough times, praise God like you never have before. Start and end your day seeking him, praise him in the lowest valleys and the toughest storms, give him all the glory no matter the circumstances and know with him, you have the strength to get through the day, month, year, whatever it may be.

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