1. Enjoy the time as it goes instead of just waiting for it to fly by. I'd like to take the days I have off from work or school and make the most of them. I'd also like to take more pictures, something I noticed I didn't really do this past year.
2. Focus on self care. It's important to take care of my skin and body but it's so easy to take the easy way out when you're busy. You grab something quick to eat that isn't the healthiest or you go to sleep with make up on without taking care of your face. I spend a lot of money on skin care products but find myself not using them on a consistent basis since I find myself tired and just wanting to get to bed. I'd also like to eat healthier on a consistent basis because I find when I do that I have a lot more energy and feel a lot better. I plan to do the Whole 30 more often since that is a diet that really works well for me. If you want to learn more about it, click here!
3. Read instead of watching Netflix. I love reading but I always found Netflix to just be easier. I've already started buying plenty of books to read this year because it's something I really enjoy. I'd like to end the day with reading a good book before going to bed. (If you have any good book recommendations, let me know!)
4. Stick to a schedule. I always let time go by as it pleases and really miss out on a lot that I could be doing. I'd like to stick to a daily schedule so I can wake up early and get a head start on the day while also going to bed at a decent time and getting enough sleep. I think that sticking to a schedule will really help me feel a lot better and get more done.
5. Unplug more. While I'd like to take more pictures, I'd also like to unplug more. Yesterday I logged onto my social media and these days it seems as if people are just so unhappy and have a very negative view. It made me want to delete my social media apps (specifically apps like twitter and Facebook) but I also know that's how some people stay in contact with me. I decided this year I won't log onto the apps very often and when I do, I'll only be checking to see if people contacted me.
6. Spend more time blogging. I said this in my New Years resolutions but it's something thats important to me. It brings me a lot of joy and happiness. I don't see it as an obligation but a hobby I really love. I plan to have plenty of outfit posts this year and I am especially looking forward to spring and summer outfits!
I can already tell that this year is going to be a good one. That doesn't mean there won't be the ups and downs but I can tell that it's definitely going to be a life changing year and for the good. I'm looking forward to the many adventures and beginnings I will experience and hope that I'll get to create memories I'll never forget. Here's to the new year!
I can already tell that this year is going to be a good one. That doesn't mean there won't be the ups and downs but I can tell that it's definitely going to be a life changing year and for the good. I'm looking forward to the many adventures and beginnings I will experience and hope that I'll get to create memories I'll never forget. Here's to the new year!
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