Hey everyone! The New Year always brings resolutions to eat healthier and exercise regularly. That being said, you've probably seen people mentioning something called the Whole30 on social media. The Whole30 is essentially a very strict diet that last for 30 days and it's almost like a refresh or a detox for your body. In general, when doing the Whole30 you can't eat: added sugar, alcohol, grains, beans, dairy, MSG, and baked goods (even treats that have the approved ingredient since it misses the point of the diet). Oh and you can't check your weight either since the your goal in the Whole30 should be to cleanse your body rather than lose weight. You're probably thinking that is an insanely strict diet and you're stuck eating only fruit vegetables and meat. And while it does seem that way, there is actually a lot of great meal and snack options when doing the Whole30. Some of my favorites: zucchini pasta, chicken salad, lettuce wrap tacos, etc.
Now you're probably thinking, "Why would I do that? Is it really worth it?", at least that's what I thought when I first heard of the Whole30. Looking into it, it didn't seem that awful since I already eat gluten free and I try to avoid dairy when I can so I decided to just go for it. After all, I heard good things about the Whole30 and it couldn't hurt to try it. Let me just tell you, it made a HUGE difference in my daily life just after doing it for about a week. I felt insanely better, I had way more energy than I'd had in months, I was doing so great in school and I just felt happier and healthier. Don't get me wrong, I definitely missed having a sweet treat or some carbs here and there but I was also shocked by how much better I felt, I didn't really want to stop.
After 30 days, my body definitely felt detoxed and I had tons of energy but I also missed what I would normally eat. I went back to my normal diet but with a healthier spin, only having sweets, carbs, dairy, etc. every now and then. Since doing the Whole30 a while back, I've definitely fallen back into the eating habits that would make me feel exhausted and would give me a lack of energy. I've seen a lot of friends talk about how they're doing with the Whole30 and I thought maybe I should give it another go myself to have more energy and kind of get back into the swing of things. As a College Student working two jobs, I definitely see the benefits of just grabbing something quick to eat rather than taking the time to make something healthy. I think that by doing the Whole30, I'll have more energy to wake up early and make more time in my day to make healthier meals and snacks that are Whole30 approved.
Right after completing the Whole30 almost a year ago, I raved about how amazing and life changing it was to anyone who would listen. It was that good. My advice to you if you feel constantly fatigued, drowsy, or you just don't feel good, is to try the Whole30, Especially after the Holidays where we eat even worse than normal and with the time off that we have we let ourselves be lazy, its very hard to get back into the swing of things with work and school. Doing the Whole30 is a great refresh and a great way to start off the year which is exactly why I'm starting it today and if you think it's something that would benefit you, go for it! And let me know how it goes! I've also shared some of my favorite Whole 30 Recipes below and the shopping list that I use religiously to make sure I'm eating Whole30 approved foods.

Link to the Shopping List: Click HERE
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