To the High School Senior,
It's about that time of year, you've applied to all the colleges on your list, you're waiting to hear back, and graduation can't come soon enough. You only have a few months left yet they seem like the longest months ever, you're definitely dealing with a severe case of senioritis and you're really excited for college next year. Maybe your friends are receiving their acceptance letters and you have yet to recieve any feedback on your applications or maybe your stuck between two schools, don't worry so much, I promise it will all work out.
You may be wanting the time to fly by and for graduation to come quicker, trust me, I know I did. But remember, these are your last few months of high school, the last few months you'll get to see your classmates and your friends everyday. When college comes, you won't get to see these people everyday, in fact you might not see them at all. Make these last few months count. You don't want to look back and think you wish you could go back and see everyone all together just one more time. High School only happens once, its four years of your life that you love or you might hate but they're also the years where you grow into someone who's more mature, who's ready to take on college and their career, someone who has bigger goals and aspirations. It's four years where you walk out a completely different person than when you entered. It's four years where you ultimately decide your future and who you want to be.
I hope these past few years have been amazing for you, let these next few months be amazing too. I know you're probably putting off schoolwork as much as possible or it's a huge struggle to get through it but you can do it. You only have a few months left and you're done. But don't let schoolwork be everything you do, make sure you spend time with your friends, especially those who won't be close next year. Maybe you plan on going out of state for college, spend time with your family and enjoy these months in your hometown. If you don't feel ready to go out of state, you have nothing to worry about. I didn't feel ready either. Instead, take a year off or go to community college for a year and then transfer. That one year will really make a difference in who you become and you'll definitely change for the better and be ready for college out of state. If you're struggling with your last year of College, always feel free to reach out to me via social media or my email, I'm always willing to help whenever I can.
Make the summer before college count. Think of it as your last couple months as a teenager. Come August you'll be back in the school supplies aisle grabbing your own supplies without a list and at the school bookstore paying a ridiculous amount of money for textbooks. You'll be choosing your classes and finding a schedule that works for you. Spend this summer with your friends, your family, anyone your close to because who knows when you'll see them again. Make a bucket list and cross everything off on it before summer ends and take lots of pictures so it's a summer you'll never forget.
Lastly, it's okay to be concerned. These are the last few months before you have to become independent and not rely on others. Where you no longer have your parents to guide you on everything you do and where you have to step out on your own in new situations without a friend alongside you. Maybe you're going off to College but you don't know anybody else going there, you're scared to make new friends and start all over again. I promise that College will be just as great as high school, in fact it will be better but you just have to put yourself out there and really go for your aspirations and goals. It's okay to be concerned and it's okay to be scared. We've all been there. Start putting yourself out there now, take those risks you've never let yourself take and start pushing yourself to not only do more but to do better. These four years you spend in High School have really developed you into the person you've become and you've become comfortable in the environment you're in but I promise these next four years will be unforgettable.
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