A year ago, I had a plan laid out for my life and God showed me that He has a plan far greater than my eyes can see and that I need to trust in Him. As Proverbs 3:5 says, 'Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding'. When I shut the door to politics, I also started my blog. I looked at it as a creative outlet where I can share my passion for fashion. A few weeks ago, God laid it on my heart to take my small Fashion & Lifestyle blog and turn it into a Faith, Fashion, & Lifestyle blog. To be completely honest, I've been putting off adding this to my blog because I've always looked at my faith as very personal and between God and me, but lately it's been weighing very heavy on my heart to add this section to my blog.
I was in politics for over 10 years and when I say I was passionate, what I really mean is that I was passionate about making a difference in someone else's life. I shut the door on politics because God showed me that my focus had stopped being on making a difference. I believe that adding the Faith aspect to my blog could really make a difference for someone and if I could reach just one person and make a difference for them, it would mean the absolute world to me.
I've decided I'm going to be starting a new series on the blog called Sunday Praise. In this series I'll be sharing everything from devotions to verses to worship music and so much more every Sunday. I hope you'll follow along with me! Stay tuned!

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