It's so crazy to think that we're already more than halfway through 2018, it seems like just yesterday I was with my best friends drinking sparkling juice with my favorite boursin cheese & crackers and ringing in the new year. They're really right when they say time flies. The other day I was thinking about my New Years resolutions and whether I'm achieving them or not. Most people forget about theirs at the end of January but there's a few I've been really working on this years, some kind of and others I have forgotten about. In case you didn't see them or don't remember them, here they are below!

1. I've really been trying to work on this one lately but I'm still struggling. I have been getting out more outfit posts which I really like but I want to be more committed to blogging. I decided the other day I wanted to have at least 3-4 posts a week. This may mean some late nights or early mornings but it's something I love so I don't mind making time for it!
2. Okay, this is definitely one of those ones I've put on the back burner. Honestly? I completely forgot about it! Now that I see it though, I'm ready to get back on the reading train. I used to read all the time, and I mean all the time (we're talking at least a book a day, probably 5 a week!), I just love it but lately I've been really busy so I guess that something else I'll make time for!
3. This one is definitely a success! This year I've gone on some mini trips along with going to Washington D.C., Mackinac Island and I'll be on my way to Charleston in a couple weeks (SO excited!!). And in the Fall, I'm planning on taking a couple more trips!
4. Another one I'm still working on but getting there! Everyones walk in faith is different and we all grow in our own ways. I've definitely grown more in my relationship with god but I'm still struggling with sharing it more publicly on my blog because I've always been a private person and my faith is a more personal thing but when I do share a faith post, with each one (and I've written a lot unposted) I grow in my faith. Sometimes that publish button is where I get stuck and I need to work on that.
5. Success! This summer I've been spending more time with my best friends, in fact we just went to the pool and got dinner together. We all want to spend more time together this summer so while we've been working, we're also making time for each other!
6. This one, I really don't know how well I'm doing. Today I drank green tea but yesterday I had coffee so it's kind of 50/50, here's to green tea the rest of the week!
7. Definitely failing this one. I am ALWAYS in a rush, whether I'm rushing to work or to meet friends, theres never a moment to take a break. I was listening to the radio the other day and the song Just Breathe came on and I thought 'wow, I need to hear this more often'. Now it's in my saved songs because there are some days I really need to hear that. Moving forward, I need to wake up earlier and give myself more time to get myself together and then I can take a breath and smell the flowers.
8. Fail. So need to work on it though! I want to eat better consistently which means prepped and cooked meals and healthier baked goods so this one is going to get better for sure.
9. Success! Sometimes I just put the phone away, sit on the porch and enjoy the weather or spend time with friends without checking Instagram or twitter every five minutes and it is so nice. (Even nicer when it's a whole day!!)
10. Working on this one but I'd say so far, so good! My best friends and I try to spend our Fridays and days off together and I think some are filled with new adventures and I love it. It's always something new and we're always planning the next one!
11. This one is sometimes a success and sometimes a failure. I need to get into a constant eating healthy and exercising instead of just when I feel like it. It's a bad habit that I want to break. I actually decided early I wanted to eat strictly healthy and them start moving forward to a consistent workout instead of a sporadic one. I plan on sticking to it and I'll blog about it too! Even going to a barre class Friday!
12. Working on it. I'm thankful for the big things but sometimes I struggle being thankful for the small things or when things don't go exactly my way. I forget how lucky I am for so many reasons and I want to change this, I think I need to reflect on the small things more often.
So far, I am succeeding in a couple, working on a few and failing a couple. I'm hoping to really focus on them these next few weeks and really dedicate myself to being better, maybe work on two a week and build on them after. New Year's resolutions are so easy to write but much harder to carry out. I hope to work on these not just these next few weeks but these next six months. I hope to come back to this topic in December with results like how much weight I've lost, how many books I've read and how I haven't had coffee in months. For now, we'll be thankful for where I'm at (already doing great with 12)!

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