For a while, every now and then I would get these little posters folded up in the mail from Liberty U that would say different things like 'I will defy stereotypes' or 'I will bring healing to the hurt' etc. and I find them in my stack of papers occasionally. The other day I was really struggling with following what God wants me to do because it's something I find myself really uneasy about and it's been heavy on my heart lately. I was going through some papers and once again found one of those posters folded up but this one said 'I will follow God's calling wherever it may lead.' and it really hit home with me. What God calls you to do isn't going to be easy and I don't know why I ever expected it to be. For months and months I've gone back and forth with myself on following what God has called me to do which is sharing my faith through my blog. I consider myself a very private person when it comes to my faith so putting it all out there even if there isn't a lot of people reading it makes me extremely self conscious and nervous.
But I'm quickly realizing just like Phillipians {4:13} says, I can do all things through christ who strengthens me. With him, I am strong, I am loved, I am blessed, I am victorious, I am chosen, I am his. And what better way to honor God than by serving him and following his calling for me. So that's what I'm doing. I'm no longer trying to follow my own path but completely letting go of the reigns and letting God take control and lead me. Isaiah {6:8} is quickly becoming my mantra which is 'Here I am, send me'. I kept telling myself I was going to have my magic moment where I would feel ready to just go for it but I'm not going to feel 'ready' because there will always be that fear lingering but I'm choosing to no longer be a slave to fear (also one of my favorite worship song!! click HERE for it), I'm choosing to be a child of God and with him, whom shall I fear?
Every day I say over and over 'God is SO Good' and what an understatement that is but with that, everyday I shall serve him for his grace saved me. We serve him by serving others. Others within our families, within our community, on campus, through social media, wherever it may be. And how great is that? We get to serve God through helping others and sharing his grace. We truly serve an awesome God and I can't get enough of how great he is but I can share it.
This year has been a rollercoaster for me, full of lots of highs and lows but through it all, I still feel so blessed in the ways that God is working in my life. When I look back at the time I thought everything was falling apart, God was just putting the pieces together. I know that even in my worst of times, he is there and he is setting my path straight. God is so good and I am so blessed and thankful to be stepping out and serving such an awesome God.
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