It's the one thing I think we all struggle with, biting our tongue and holding back words we know we'll regret later. And just because we struggle with it, doesn't mean we don't do it from time to time. And when I realize I've let harsh words fly out of my mouth in the heat of the moment, I later beat myself up over it and even though I ask God for forgiveness, I still struggle with the fact that I did it. I'm constantly having to remind myself nobody is perfect. The Bible says in Romans {3:23},
we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of god but are justified freely by his grace through the redemption of Jesus Christ. We can't and we shouldn't strive for a standard of perfection but we should strive for a standard of grace.
Proverbs has so much to say about this when it comes to the words that we speak, especially in the sayings of Solomon. It talks about not only how incredibly powerful our words are but also about always speaking good and never harsh.
Proverbs {16:24} says that kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. And oh how true that is! Our words are more powerful than we know. They can hurt but they can also help far more than we realize. When we speak, we should be letting the Gods grace shine through. We are God's ambassadors through every action we make & every word we speak.
Wherever today leads you, notice the people it leads you to and uplift them because who knows what kind of day they're having. Let them know how loved they are by him and how beautiful they are. Let your presence be so uplifting for them. Allow your words to be like honey for them, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Show them God's overwhelming love and let it embrace them fully. Carry this attitude day in and day out, on the bad days and the good days because God is there on the bad days just as much as he is on the good days.
What better way to serve God than to spread kindness through your words and share his love to others? It's absolutely incredible. We are so lucky that we get to show others how blessed they are and love them just like he loves them. I am constantly amazed by how great God is. God is so good! He died for me, for you, for them. He loves them and so will we. Today, tomorrow & every day,
let all that you do be done in love.
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